So once again, I find myself sitting here with nothing particular on my mind.
Although as I am writing this, I realized that the coming of this New Year has also brought an end to a part of my life; I have rounded the bend, as the saying goes. This reminds me of a game me and my younger brother used to play when we were younger. We used to make it a rule, that whenever we drove through a tunnel, we have to hold our breath until we get through to the other end. We were so proud of ourselves if we made it through, and slightly embarrassed if we couldn't. I always remember seeing the end of the tunnel- lungs burning- and letting out a silent cry of relief in my head. This feels like the point in my life, the part where I see the end of the tunnel and let out my hurrah; I've made it! Not that I didn't think I would make it, but of coarse, at times this house seemed a more desolate place than is fair to say. But now, (as I have realized I will indeed make it, and finish strong), I see that time has gone by to quickly, and I have rounded a bend in my life. 2009 brought so many things for me. I stopped looking at what I could get, and more of what I could give. I learned that temptation is easy to defeat in your head, but not so in your heart. I saw that love is easily found, but so much harder to hold onto. I discovered an intense, and passionate love for the arts; photography and drawing especially. I now know that driving is not something pleasurable by any means, although unfortunately it is necessary. Though above all, I have witnessed that there is no satisfaction in anything that is not of God or his pure love.
So here's to 2009 and all the things I learned in it, adios!!!
I'm sure you've all heard -- about 3 days ago there was a hurricane in Haiti. This enormous catastrophe struck thousands of residents there and left nearly a 1/2 a million kill or severely injured. These people have been on my heart, especially in the last 24 hours, and I feel compelled to speak out to my fellow siblings in Christ, and say that we need to act through prayer.
I have heard so many people say that they wish they could 'do something.' I am tired of hearing this; the guilt everyone is feeling because of this event is not worthless, I believe that God is putting this into people hearts and minds so that they will quit using their words, and start using the power or prayer!!!
Through using this amazing potential God has given us through empowerment of prayer, we can help those living in Haiti in ways none of us can even begin to understand.
There are so many things on my mind over this incident, I believe I could write all day on the issue; but I'm afraid it would be futile.
Instead of stating all the negatives of this situation, I will look at the positive effects:
~ People might wake up and realize that sitting here feeling sorry for our fellow being is worthless; and unless you embrace God's plan, you never get any peace.
~YOU MUST MAKE IT UNCOMFORTANBLE FOR SOMEONE TO SIT IN ORDER TO GET A PERSON TO MOVE. And so God has made it uncomfortable for us to do nothing.
~ I have been watching the news, and some of the survivors were worshipping God, and THANKING him for his protection of them. This is true faith, because even in the darkest night, when you truly believe, you can still see the brightest light.
One that note I bid thee farewell, and do not forget to PRAY PRAY PRAY!!!!
I often take walks around our property, and of coarse I have my camera in hand! Here are a few of the photographs I took. It was a gorgeouse day for a walk!!!
Our barn/land (above)
Some trees. I thought the contrast with the sky was beautiful
hello! i'm paige :)
i love to create ART! painting, writing, music, ALL OF IT!
i am completely crazy... so there's no telling what i will say or do next.
i live for Jesus Christ my savior and lover, and he has blessed me with so much in life :)
Any questions, just comment,I hope you enjoy readomg about me and the simple thigns i enjoy in my blog!